Commercial Vehicle Inspection Facility (CVIP)

Comprehensive Inspections for Your Fleet

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Detailed Checklist

Our mechanics use a detailed checklist of over 100 items to make sure you’re road-safe.

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Annual Inspection

Make sure you have your fleet scheduled for inspections once per year to avoid fines and downtime.

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Get Your Sticker

Have your fleet inspected and road-ready with an up-to-date CVIP sticker.

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Every Fleet

No matter your industry or vehicles, chances are, we’ve seen it and inspected it before.

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On-Hand Parts

If repairs are necessary, we have a huge selection of in-stock parts to get you back on the road.

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Experienced Mechanics

From even the smallest faults, our knowledgeable mechanics know how to spot potential issues.

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RPM Exterior of Business
RPM View of Spacious Bay

Our Facility

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Our 28,000 square foot, 7-bay repair facility means we can handle all fleets, big or small.

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Our 24/7 mobile repair services allow us to get the job done, wherever you are.

Our team of journeyman heavy-duty mechanics has over 100 years of combined experience.

Our extensive selection of on-hand parts lets us replace components quickly and efficiently.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often do I need a commercial vehicle inspection?

Commercial vehicle inspections are legally required once per year. You should schedule commercial vehicle inspections for your fleet annually to avoid fines and keep your vehicles running smoothly.

Is the cost of repairs included in the cost of the inspection?

No, any repairs or parts necessary are quoted and completed at an additional cost.

What is the cost per vehicle?

Commercial vehicle inspections are done at a flat rate per vehicle.

What if repairs are required to pass inspection?

These repairs must be completed before your vehicle(s) can pass inspection and receive their CVIP sticker.

Trailer Parts

For all major brands.

24/7 Emergency Service

Day or night, we've got your back.

Fleet Maintenance Services

From regular service intervals to ad-hoc repairs, we support your fleet & keep your trailers ROLLING.